Friday, December 12, 2008

hahaha hehehe

Last night while saying prayer I expressed gratitude for Arora, and for the smiles and laughter she rings into our home. Then here is how our night progressed. Just as I was about to fall asleep around 11:30 Arora woke up to nurse (very typical). So I went in and fed her, she fell asleep and I put her back in her crib. I went to bed and about 30 seconds later. WWWAAAA! So I jumped up and brought her to sleep with David and me. She snuggled in and saw quite for oh 30 seconds then she was rolling around and saying "dizzz, dadaaa, diazz, dawwazzz" And such. Well David and I tried to lay very still so she would calm down and go to sleep. Then Arora started poking my face to get me to wake up and kicking David in the stomach. She was wide awake! She was being so cute I couldn't help myself and I laughed, a fatal error. Arora started laughing I started cracking up and then David started in too. We had a nice family giggle session at 12am. I was laughing so hard I had to remove myself to the sofa or else Arora would be up all night. So David helped her to calm down and go to sleep.


Cassandra said...

LOL we had a night like this, where we tried the same thing, have mady in bed with us all calm and see that we were sleeping, but she kept grabbing the top of the blanket like it was a rein for a horse or something and we kept busting up. I couldn't look at Kendall or I would start laughing so hard. Times like these keep us going :)

Anonymous said...

Aww, that is so sweet! Hey...I thought we were supposed to get together while you were here?! What happened? :(

ellie said...

We all need a good laugh sometimes. That was really funny.