Monday, October 26, 2009

Saying goodbye to old friends

This weekend I ran out of Shampoo. I thought it might never happen, see this bottle of shampoo has been with me for a long time. In December of 07, I was pregnant and feeling crummy. SO my wonderful husband sent me to a salon to have my hair done. It was very nice to feel so beautiful even when I felt as big as a house. When I was at the salson, they sold me this giant bottle of shampoo. It has lasted almost 2 years of nearly daily hair washing. Now I say good bye shampoo bottle.
In January of 06, I needed some new shoes for work. I hate buying shoes because I have small feet and they don't often fit right. David found these shoes and they fit great. I bought them and never regretted it. Now I have nearly walked through the soles and the laces have fallen apart. They are also leaving my life. I bought some new shoes this weekend and and so glad. I forgot what a nice sole felt like. So goodbye three year old shoes, you were good to my feet.

1 comment:

Kathy Haynie said...

Congratulations - would love a photo of your sweet small feet in the new shoes!