Monday, May 19, 2008

Becoming Jane

On Friday night I had a "night off". Which means when David gets home from work at 8pm he is on duty for helping Arora until morning. We started this a few weeks ago but it was out on hold while he was in customer service training for 2 weeks. (he was working 8-12 at the internship and then 1-10 at work) So on Friday David picked up a Redbox movie for me. I watched Becoming Jane, it is a biography of sorts of Jane Austin. I loved it! I forgot how much I love Jane Austin. What a sad life she had, that is all I will say about the movie, I don't want to give too much away. I think anyone who likes Jane Austin's works would enjoy the movie.
The next day I went to the library and checked out "Pride and Prejudice". I've read it before, a long time ago, and I love the movie. There is something comforting in reading a favorite book over again. I even have been reading it a lot to Arora. I decided she is not too young to start loving Jane Austin too.


tiff snedaker said...

Glad to see you blogging - I know I've loved it. As for the teething, I think we've tried just about everything. I really like the teething tablets, you can get them at Walmart - they are more of an herbal remedy. I also have some baby orajel and will use tylenol if neither of those work. We also have a few teething toys that we put in the frigde and he likes the cold on his gums. The other day I bit a grape in half and let him suck on it for a few minutes while I held onto it. (Probably shouldn't have done it but oh well) The other thing that I swear by when they get older 6 or 7 months is the fresh food feeders made by munchkin. They are small mesh teething bags that you can put ice, bananas, apples, or other things in to help them with teething and because it is a mesh bag, they won't choke or get big chunks out.
Arora is getting really big herself - she sure is cute :)

Shaylen said...

I saw that movie too and I agree, she really had a sad life. I don't want to watch it again because I got so sad. lol. Maybe someday... I am glad that I found your blog! Have a great day

Sara Birch said...

The movie made me sad too. I so wanted them to get together...I like it when there is a happy ending. But I guess real life isn't always that way.

Cassandra said...

I haven't seen that movie yet.. I want to though! I agree with Tiffany, I haven't tried the mesh thingy yet, but my friend has two boys and she also swears by them, but her youngest is 7 months old now. I bought Mady some teething toys to put in the fridge and she really liked them. Not sure if it helped, or if she just liked the new toy lol

Holly Mayer said...

Arora has some teething toys but hasn't had much interest in them yet. She prefers Davids hands or my shirts.

Christine said...

Glad I found you! If you haven't looked at our blog yet, you should. There's some pics of Belle and Arora together... so cute! :) She is such a doll, and I'd be happy to watch her ANY TIME! ~Christine:

Kathy Haynie said...

My friend Lianda used to swear by the teething tablets when her kids were little. They're really tiny, and they dissolve the in baby's mouth. And I agree, Arora is NOT too young to begin loving Jane Austin. Keep up the reading - great idea! :)