Saturday, May 17, 2008

Guys night/ girls night

Tonight we planned for David to have a guy's night at our apartment, which meant I spent the evening at Stephanie's. Our friends the Smiths (Jeff and Crystal) also came to the guys night /girls night. So we all had a good time. Us girls had chocolate fondue with pretzels, bananas and strawberries to dip. Arora came with me and put up a fight about sleeping for 2 hours then I gave up and just let her stay up. BAD IDEA! Now it is 10:30 and she is screaming because she is so tired she can't sleep. She has been going to bed at 8 pm and sleeping until 6:30ish, with getting up once to nurse around 4. This will really throw her rhythm off, and tomorrow is Sunday which is generally a hard day for her. We have church at 1:30 which is normally prime nap time, but she has a hard time sleeping at church. So we will suffer through a few hard nights, but I think it was worth it. David has been working so long and hard he really deserved a carefree night.


Sara Birch said...

Hey Holly- Found your blog through the Barretts! Yeah for you for starting a blog. Good luck tomorrow, Sundays are the absolute worst for napping children; especially at 1:30. Carson has adjusted now, but it was rough for awhile. Hang in there!

David Mayer said...

I really appreciated the break, too. I didn't realize how much I needed a guys night until Holly insisted I have one.
It was tons of fun.

Monson Family said...

I love your blog!!! I hope you don't mind if I link you to us! Also... I'm definately bringing a camera tomorrow for our group picture.

Polly @ Pieces by Polly said...

We learned that lesson with Katie the hard way too. :)