Monday, March 23, 2009

world's greatest

I have the worlds smartest, most caring, loving husband in the world! He has been getting consistently great grades, looking for a job for the summer, helping around the house, and getting up with Arora at night! Wow! How does one man do it? He must be a super hero. I am so grateful to be married to David. I am so glad we were married in the LDS Temple, where we were sealed together for all eternity. I don't even wan to think the words "till death do us part". I think that makes secular marriages so sad. I have found my life partner and want to spend all my time all my days and all of eternity with him. I can't believe we have only been married for 2.5 years.


Anonymous said...

sooooooo sweet!! you guys are sooo adorable! What a great husband and father! You two are perfect for each other.

David Mayer said...

I love you too, Holly.

Kathy Haynie said...

Well, his sisters and I worked for many years to get him in shape for you, Holly. We're glad it worked out so well!