Tuesday, September 8, 2009

I can catch

David has been teaching Arora to catch a ball. She loves it so much and is really good at it. She is also starting to be sympathetic. Whenever she sees anyone upset or crying she get sad. She says "sorry" and gives hugs and kisses. She is quite in love with the little boy next store. His name is Alex and she wants to say hi to him every time we walk by his house. Which is often because it is next to the park. We are happy she likes him so much because she will go over there a few hours a week when David and I are both in classes. Alex also has a twin sister named Evie. And they sign, so they speak her language which is a big plus.


Cassandra said...

Those pictures are adorable!!!

Lisa C said...

Those pictures are cute, what fun! So nice she has friends who sign. Michael is getting a kick out of the Signing Time videos, like he suddenly realized that other people sign, too!

And the type color on this post is visible in Google Reader, which is helpful!

Ange said...

It's so fun to see your blog- Tim and I are so impressed with your cupcakes. Simply amazing! I hope you are having a great week. Take Care

ellie said...

So cute:) We miss playing magic with you guys:)

Monson Family said...

I simply can't believe how big she is getting! She is quite the little lady! I'm glad she signs, Brooklyn signs too and I love it!!!