Sunday, April 18, 2010

things I have learned this week

1. We started making our raised beds in our garden; I love to dig, playing with that shovel was a lot of fun!
2. Even if you think your child is potty trained take a change of clothes; or you will have to go to Kmart and buy a pair of underwear and pants because you do not have time to go home before your next appointment.
3. When you are trying a new place for lunch and 1/2 and sandwich cost over $6, just leave. No tuna sandwich is THAT good.
4. I have renewed my love of garage sales. 3 baby outfits, 2 bibs, 2 blankets a toy, 3 books and a teddy bear for $3.75!
5. Go to the temple often, then get ice cream with your sweetheart.


Kathy Haynie said...

Good list! Too bad those garage sales weren't handy when you had to run to K-Mart. :) I'm looking forward to seeing your garden!

Lisa C said...

How big was the half sandwich? It'd be worth it if it was at the Truffle Hunter. Mmm.

I'm going through baby clothes. I have a bunch to lend/give to you.

I'm a garage sale dummy. I never remember about them and I don't even know where to look for them, unless I see a random sign.